Penhurst has conducted extensive client and prospect perception research for us. The feedback obtained from each interview was extremely relevant and insightful.
We have used it to strengthen our client relationships and to take action in areas highlighted as requiring attention
In-depth insight into client perceptions of service quality & relationship management skills
Understanding the drivers behind client loyalty
Establishing clients priorities and what they value
Insight into operational strengths and weaknesses
Establishes a baseline and a benchmarking process for future measurement
Measures the effectiveness of marketing & communications
Adds substance to marketing & new business activities
Gathers objective insight for staff training
Identifies specific actions at client and/or business level
External perspective on relative competitor positioning
Not only is it unbiased, but it is at a level of detail which cannot be obtained in any other way.
Asking clients their views, rather than waiting to be told, enhances the image and reputation of an organisation as a client-centric one.